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Relationship Questions





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Relationship Questions(圖1)-速報App

The term relationship may be a common one but when it starts between two people it changes their lives. When you are getting into a relationship with someone else you need to know that person better than just getting attracted towards their physical appearance. Some people are shy and introvert while other talk a lot but never let their heart speak.

In order to build a relationship that last long, really long it is necessary to understand each other and for that communication is the best key. Asking your partner few relationship questions will help you know that person better and also let you understand whether he/she is the right person you are looking for.

Questions to understand each other better

Here are a few relationship questions that must be asked. Sometimes you can even a few of them to yourself to understand your feelings better.

• If you were to change a few things in me what would that be?

Relationship Questions(圖2)-速報App

• What are the positive things in me that make you feel attracted towards me?

• How do you feel about the time that we spend together?

• What would you want to do on Saturday night?

• Do you think that the values that we share are same or they differ? If they differ what is the main cause behind it?

• Do you like my family?

Relationship Questions(圖3)-速報App

• What is it there in my family that makes you like/dislike them?

• Have you shared about your ex’s with me? If not what makes you withheld the facts?

• Can you openly accept my past relationships?

Questions to know the other person better

Apart from knowing the bonding between you two, it is also important to understand what the other person is actually like. It will help you understand them better and also take a decision whether you will find everything interesting.

Relationship Questions(圖4)-速報App

• How your childhood was like or what was your child’s favorite memory?

• When did you cry last time? What was the reason behind it?

• What is your dream vacation is like?

• If you would have been a character of books which character will you want to be?

• If you get enough capital for starting your business what will it be?

Relationship Questions(圖5)-速報App

• Do you love adventures? What was the last adventure you did recently?

• What are the three things in life that you will always love to do?

• What do you focus on while listening to music? The words or the tune?

• Whose death has hit you the hardest?

Questions to understand your sexual compatibility

Relationship Questions(圖6)-速報App

In a relationship sex matters and thus it is important that you understand what the sexual requirement of the other person is and whether they match with yours?

• How do you find the moment of the first kiss?

• Is love only sexual for you or its asexual?

With This application, you will find out all relationship questions.

Here is a Preview of What You'll Learn:

Relationship Questions(圖7)-速報App

• Fun relationship questions for couples

• Relationship questions quickly spark great conversation

• The experts answer your biggest relationship questions

• 10 questions you should ask your partner

• Questions to help build intimacy in a relationship

Relationship Questions(圖8)-速報App

• Questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend

• Much, much more questions...

Download Your Copy today!

Relationship Questions(圖9)-速報App